Monday, January 25, 2010


i have a strong feeling. how should i say? erm........ something bad? or i put it in this way. if you know that it is impossible to happen on you, will you keep figuring it out? will you? i am not sure how others react but i am kind of person that do not behave like a mature one. i mean i will be thinking of something impossible. what to do? this is me. i am who i am! accept who i am not critise who i really am. get it?

well well~ gotta stop talking nonsense! haha... =)

Saturday, January 16, 2010


今天我不想用英文来表达我的心情. 2010才刚刚开始, 但是我的感触很多很多. 短短的半个月却发生很多事情看透很多事情, 这是件好事吗? 我不知道. 也许我还不够成熟还是那么地看不开. 我依然在意着, 虽然我看起来不是那么地在乎. 我应该怎么做? 有时侯, 伤害造成了是需要一定的时间去痊愈. 两年? 三年? 还是要更多更多? 同样的事情发生可是不同的人造成, 而待遇却是那么地不同. 我能做什么呢? 只能做好自己本份其他的什么都不想.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

tuesday blue

how should i express feelings of today? lemme think! should i express politely? haiz. i don't know la. i choose to say nothing. . . . . .

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

missing you~

today wasn't a good day for me. i am missing missing missing missing missing you. i know you knew it! please do take care, dear~ muakssssssssssssssssssssss.....